While this unprecedented year approaches its end, we continue business as usual. The history of the Russian Church Abroad has only been studied for a couple of decades and provides a multitude of research themes. This history belongs to the broader field of historical studies, particularly the history of Eastern Europe in the twentieth century. We see proof of the last statement in this article on the record of the Baltic clergy in the archive of the German diocese.
It costs $410 to make this translation available to you ($250 for translation and $160 for editing). Since the beginning of the year, our staff has translated 18 texts. We have posted most of them here. We have spent $3077 for translators’ work. Today I received the translation of an article surveying material of the Polish pre-WWII diplomats on the Russian Church Abroad. The check for this work is $320. However, our Translation Fund is empty. If you have benefited from the translations, consider chipping in. This is not a cliché to say that there is no insignificant donation! Your $10 and $20 will go a long way in paving the road to the preservation and further analysis of the history of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.
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